from dry desert to coral reef...

Today we'd like to show highlights from a truckload of excellent zine submissions we received from Dara Nix-Stevenson's biology class at the American Hebrew Academy in Greensboro, North Carolina. 

The assignment?

Pick 1 land biome and 1 aquatic biome and create a zine to communicate the key characteristics of their selected biome.

Given all the zines and all the great content, we decided to simply highlight some of the  panels from zines covering a wide range of the environments their explored...

 Deserts as discussed by Matthew Richman ~

Conifer Forests by Benjamin Rapp ~


 Tundra as discussed by Aviva Zucker ~


Coral Reefs by Inga Mamut ~


Hannah Ripps ~

And this is just a small selection, and we are only sorry not being able to include more here.... These zines were informationally rich and visually a pleasure -  an amazing set of zines, and The Small Science Collective wants to thank you all for sharing them with us.

Let's have a flying squirrel (from Rachel Senehenkova's zine) lead us out...!